Dr. Stefan Bergheim has been the director of the Center for Societal Progress since the beginning of 2009. Before launching the Center, he worked for leading international banks such as Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan in Frankfurt as an economist. Between 2002 and 2008, he worked for Deutsche Bank Research on topics such as growth, demographics, education and happiness. Stefan has a diploma in economics from Saarbrücken University, spent three years in the economics Ph.D. program at the University of Oregon (USA) and holds a doctoral degree from WHU in Koblenz/Vallendar, where he wrote the book “Long-run growth forecasting”.
what: | Lecture Day | |||
when: |
where: | The Cube |
© 2010. An event by NODE Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur (i.G) in cooperation with the Frankfurter Kunstverein and the vvvv group.