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Digital Media in Performing Arts

Süssbittere Rezepturen (2009), Photo: © Jörg Baumann

This workshop is all about communication between different domains. Performaning artists and digital artists, stage and screen, movement and sound, dance and animation, discipline and instinct, software and hardware ...

From the dramaturgical point of view we will be searching for the fragile forces that control the attention of the audience to the sound, the visuals and the performance.

From the digital-artistic point of view we want to create an orchestra of media artists. Every participant will be able to manipulate the screen and (via the dancers) the stage.

From the workshop point of view the participant will be an important part of the rehearsal. We want you to share your ideas and be part of the "show".

Besides the cultural experience you will learn how to control one screen through many computers, you will get to know input devices for intuitively controlling the visual and acoustic content, and last but not least you will be exploring different graphical concepts for the visual output.

VVVV knowledge not mandatory. Please bring a windows laptop with vvvv installed.


The complete workshop concept has been developed by the workshop team during the week before NODE in the fantastic rooms of our partner Frankfurt LAB. If you are already in Frankfurt on Monday you are welcome to go to the public workshop-introduction at Franfkurt LAB at 4pm and meet the dancers, workshoppers and workshop participants already.

Frankfurt LAB / Schmidtstraße 12 / 60326 Frankfurt am Main. Tram 11 / Station: Mönchhofstraße.

the actual workshop then takes place at the Frankfurter Kunstverein


Nina Vallon, Süssbittere Rezepturen (2009),
Photo: © Jörg Baumann

who: Alexander Graf, ID_Frankfurt, Kristina Veit, Nina Vallon, Woeishi Lean (woei)
TuesdayNov 16th10:00 - 13:00
TuesdayNov 16th14:30 - 17:30
WednesdayNov 17th10:00 - 13:00
ThursdayNov 18th10:00 - 13:00
FridayNov 19th10:00 - 17:30
where: The Cube