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abstrakt Brunch

**Abstrakt Brunch **

Cafe im Kunstverein Tuesday, November 16, 11:00 - 13:00

Artists: Ralf Baecker, Brandon Morse, John Powers, SOFTlab, Zimoun

As part of the "abstrakt Abstrakt - The Systemized World" exhibition the we´re hosting an informal brunch at the Cafe am Kunstverein. Curators Eno Henze and Marius Watz will introduce the exhibition, followed by short presentations by five of the artists. We then open the floor for discussion.

Pastries will be provided, coffee and refreshments will be for sale in the cafe.

who: Eno Henze, Marius Watz
TuesdayNov 16th11:00 - 13:00
where: Cafe